The 2nd night of the PKL 2019 Pune leg saw two blockbuster encounters take place at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex. In the night opener, table toppers Dabang Delhi KC locked horns with the two-time runners up, Gujarat Fortune Giants while on the other hand three-time champions, Patna Pirates battled home team Puneri Paltan in the next match.
In the game between the Delhi and Gujarat, Naveen Kumar even continued his form which is a form to record his 13th consecutive Super 10. He received the good support from the Vishal and Vijay tonight as the Dabang Delhi KC solidified their position at the top with a 34-40 win over the Gujarat Fortune Giants.
From the home side, Manjeet tried his entire level best to save his team from a defeat, but his 8 points went in vain. Pankaj, Amit, Nitin Tomar scored a combine’s total of 118 points. Moreover, the defense unit of the team conceded points at regular intervals to their opponents.
Most Raid Points
Pawan Kumar continues to lead the list of top raiders while on the other hand, Pardeep narwal has overtaken Naveen to grab the 2nd position on the raiders list. Naveen holds the 3rd spot now while Bengal Warriors Maninder Singh and Haryana Steelers Vikash Kandola are the other raiders in the top 5.
Most Tackle Points
With 11 tackle points in the match against Puneri Paltan, Patna Pirates’ cover defender, Neeraj Kumar has achieved the 5th position on the ‘Most Tackle Points’ list. There are no changes in the Top 4 with Sandeep Dhull, Vishal Bhardwaj, Fazel Atrachali and Sumit holding the four coveted spots.